Statement on AB 1955

July 18, 2024

Roseville, CA – On Monday, the Governor signed into law AB 1955. The next day, major companies announced they are leaving California. In response, Jonathan Zachreson, Roseville City School Board Member, issued the following statement.

“I am disappointed the Governor signed AB 1955. Not only is this bill an affront to families, but it could also damage our local economy. As someone committed to ensuring Roseville remains a great place to live and raise a family, this is deeply concerning. Fortunately, school boards still have flexibility in setting local policy that best serves families and their communities.

That is why today, I am doubling down on my commitment to the families of Roseville to support the following policy positions as it relates to AB 1955:

Never force teachers or staff to lie to parents.

Never force teachers or staff to refer to a student differently than what parents have consented to.

Never have the school district withhold information from parents about their own child.

Not only are the above policy positions in full compliance with AB 1955, but they are critical to the well-being of children and for maintaining trust between schools and parents.”

Jonathan Zachreson is running for re-election to the Roseville City School Board in Trustee Area 5. For more information about Jonathan Zachreson and his priorities, please visit

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